Youventout |
I am a Social Media Marketer for a new social media website called Youventout.
This website is in the initial phase but I would appreciate it if you took a moment to check out the website, sign up and browse the site and give me any constructive feedback that I can give to the CEO of Youventout. If you are looking for an internship opportunity please contact me for further details. I am also in the process of another social media network opportunity, so if you interested, stay posted for future details.
I have been so incredibly busy that I have not had much time to blog--sorry :o( I do have some great things that are going on in my life right now. First, my research got accepted to IOOB conference in San Diego. I will be leaving NEXT FRIDAY. I am really nervous and very excited all at the same time. I haven't dont any big conference presenting before. I have presented a poster in my undergrad but that's about it. As a result, I am extremely excited for this opportunity. My research is on Dialect Bias in Job Selection--not the typica Dialect though. The "Dialect" I am most concerned with is the type of non-standard english that is used by individuals from generation Y--similar to "slang". Generation Y accounts for 70 million people in the United States. Generation Y is also known as millennials. If you are reading this blog, most likely you fall into this category as well.
I recently started a new internship. I actually am doing two internships simultaneously to really get a good grasps of Human Resources. For one internship I am the HR coordinator and the other internship I do all aspects of HR but mainly focus on recruiting and interviewing potential candidates that have an emphasis in sales. Within the next month I will be doing a project to implement something new in the organization. I really enjoy my internship. Everday I meet someone new. I have a wonderful boss and supervisor which makes my time here extremely enjoyable. I am very committed to the organization that I am in. This spring I will start applying for a job that is more aligned with my career goals. I am looking forward to use my skills and apply it to what I have learned in my classes.
I just wanted to get a chance to update where I am in my life. I will make sure to update everyone on my experience in CA--until next time--stay blessed
Every day I filter through tons and tons of resumes. I am looking for specific qualification for a specific job. I almost feel bad when I pass people up on their resumes because I know the feeling of not getting a call back. horrible
The person on the other end is wondering, why not me? During my last semester I thought a lot about what I would like to call "the experience gap"
It is pretty self-explanatory, but it is also really unfortunate. There are a lot of people out there who are extremely educated. You go to college to make something better of yourself, but when you apply for jobs they tell you you need about 5 years of experience. But how are you supposed to get that experience unless someone gives you that opportunity?
Some employers give students the opportunity to do internships, but now, even internships want you to have a certain level of experience. So here we have all these bright, educated individuals without an opportunity in the world.
If I had the capital, I wish I could find a way to help these individuals.
- The only advice I can give to people who are in these same shoes is--never give up. If you have a certain type of drive you will find an opportunity.
- Ask questions! The more informed you are the better. You can set up informational interviews with employers to get a grasp of different types of jobs. All you have to do is ask for the opportunity
- Experience--I had to learn the hard way that I had to get the experience first before I will get where I want to be. Sometimes, financially, a job isn't quite up to your standards, but the experience you will get is far more profitable.