Sunday, December 5, 2010

End of the semester

Well, I am almost done with my  first semester! I can officially tell you I am in the right place. I am actually very proud of myself. I have def worked very hard this semester and it all really paid off. I have a presentation and a proposal due tomorrow and then my very last exam next thursday and then i'm done! I am really excited to celebrate NYE here in Chicago! I can only hope it is not as cold as last January. New years brings resolutions and new goals which i'm very excited for. Next semester I hope to mentor more. I also hope to get involved in doing research. Right now I am really interested in various types of bias, I made a post before on dialect bias which was really interesting. I actually found some literature for further studies. I really want to do something on name bias & race bias in job selection. I am really glad my mom named me something normal like Ashley (thanks mom) I also hope to start looking for internships for the following semester. Since the Master's program is only 2 years, I have to accomplish a lot in a small frame of time. Well, I want to accomplish a lot. I really enjoy writing this blog because it gives me time to really think about things, especially goal related topics. Also, I hope to go to Tanzania in 2011. I really hope everything goes as planned because I have been looking forward to traveling there for sometime now! So I really need to start saving for that adventure this summer!:o)What are your goals for 2011? And what are your new year's resolutions?


  1. preparing for grad school, i got the locations...just have to visit them somehow. hopefully, I'll get to go to Europe in 2011. and new years resolutions...i dont do those. :D


  2. That will be awesome allyson :) I hope you get to go to Europe as well and live your dream! What..resolutions are awesome! :) enjoy your last week of school!
